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I understand that the fear of getting it 'wrong' is stopping you from moving forward and it can be so hard doing it alone.

I designed Inclusive In A Day to help you overcome that feeling. Joining one of these days is the perfect way to put your head together with other small business owners, with advice and guidance from me (Hi!) to support you to move forward. 

These days can be thought of as a combination of thought provoking training to get you thinking from the perspective of marginalised groups, and co-working to give you the focus it needs to get these tasks done. 

Over the course of the day, we will work on an accessibility statement, inclusion statement and an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy specific to your organisation. I will also help you to map out your products and services from an inclusion perspective and spot where you need to make things more accessible. 

Definitely not just a tick box exercise, Inclusion In A Day is a practical, focused way to move your business towards truly inclusive culture! 

Meet Jo

Award winning Consultant Physiotherapist in special educational needs and disabilities, number 1 best selling Author of Equipping SEN Children for Life and multiple business owner.

Jo helps families, schools, business and individuals to rewrite their narrative for inclusion, diversity and disability. We offer inclusion consultancy and training services alongside our non-profit organisation, SENStory CIC, which delivers therapy, learning and play for families and education settings in the great outdoors and with horses. 

As a parent to children with additional needs who have been failed by the health and education systems, Jo uses her professional knowledge of entrepreneurship, diverse brains, people and inclusion to support her mission to create systemic change for inclusion in education and business. 

20% of the profits from Inclusion In A Day goes to our non-profit organisation, SENStory CIC. Proceeds go straight into providing subsidised access to therapy, leisure and learning in nature and with horses so by investing in inclusion for your business, you will be giving back directly to children and young people with additional needs.
This is what I need!
Jo's masterclass is hugely impactful, the feedback was incredible and some huge realisations happened for everyone involved!

Inclusion In A Day includes:


Using Inclusion for Sustainable Growth - an exclusive masterclass with Jo


Support to write an Accessibility Statement, an Inclusion Statement and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy for your business 


Mapping out each of your products and services and planning accessibility and inclusion for each one


Co-working time to get this shit done! 


Lunch and refreshments provided throughout the day


Plus! A goody bag for everyone and a fully inclusive working environment (with bean bags and weighted blankets!)




It all comes down to intention and action!


With over 14 years of experience working in the disability sector, Jo knows first hand that connection with the human experience is the biggest thing to make inclusion successful. So when you step into any of our programmes the focus is on building a culture for successful inclusion from the top down, with the support of paperwork, systems and  processes. 

During Inclusion In A Day we start by helping you to think about your vision for inclusion and how you can use that for sustainable growth within your business. We will spend the rest of the day working together in a small group to map out your products and services to spot the gaps in your accessibility, and producing an Accessibility Statement, Inclusion Statement and E,D & I Policy to inform the way you move forward in the future. 


Because we know how easy it is to get distracted by the day to day running of your business when you try to do this stuff alone! 


Together we look at everything from onboarding to socials, website, events and policies to map out a more accessible product suite. 


Using our templates we review what you already have and help you to produce all the documentation you need to achieve your inclusion mark

Inclusion In A Day is more than just paperwork and policy 

If you're looking to tick the inclusion and diversity training box then this is NOT the day for you!

Yep. You heard me right, that's not what we do here.

Whilst policy and paperwork are important ways to communicate with your clients, team and audience about how you can support them (and I'll help you do just that). An inclusive business is actually born out of a culture that every team member embodies.

I Agree - Book My Place!

The Inclusive Business Mark includes:


Access for your entire team to our 2 core training modules for 3 months


An Inclusion and Diversity Audit for your business


Four further modules designed just for you as a CEO and Director


Three Training Modules with a Guest Expert


An in-person Implementation Day


Plus! My eyes on all your documents with tailored advice so we can sign them off and certify your business with The Inclusion Business Mark for the year. 

Sign Up Now for £999

It all comes down to intention and action!


With over 14 years of experience working in the disability sector, Jo knows first hand that connection with the human experience is the biggest thing to make inclusion successful. So when you step into The Inclusive Business Mark programme the focus is on building a culture for successful inclusion from the top down, with the support of paperwork, systems and  processes. 

We start by helping you to understand your own profile of need, as well as your team's, before thinking about your vision for inclusion and an audit of your business to work out exactly what you need to focus on and how. Over 3 months, we deliver training from hand picked guest experts so you can build Your Inclusive Business by learning directly from those with lived experience from marginalised and minority groups.

Jo's masterclass is hugely impactful, the feedback was incredible and some huge realisations happened for everyone involved!


For all staff because we know that unless everyone is on board with your vision your company can't become a more inclusive business


Together we review all your practices alongside robust training covering everything from onboarding to socials, website, events and policies


Using our templates we review what you already have and help you to produce all the documentation you need to achieve your inclusion mark


For all staff because we know that unless everyone is on board with your vision your company can't become a more inclusive business


Together we review all your practices alongside robust training covering everything from onboarding to socials, website, events and policies


Using our templates we review what you already have and help you to produce all the documentation you need to achieve your inclusion mark


Sign Up Now!

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